Categories starting with M
MiMi's Memes (3)
Mimi is a 70 something grandmother of five. She has had many different jobs during her life. She has learned a lot about life because she is still here.Mind (2)
Meditation (1)
Master-Does-Family (1)
Master Doe and his family of Ancient Monks of various beliefs.Items starting with M
Meditation to generate energy according to instructions from Metatron
Meditation to generate energy
When you go to this page, you will find a script for a meditation by Archangel Metatron. You may just read it for yourself, or record it and listen to it. Either way, we hope it helps!
Miracles, Magic, Religion, and Ceremonies
Fantastic discussion from Nathaniel about Magic and Miracles, Religion and Ceremonies.
"So Prayer 101 and Magic 101 would have very similar content that you would teach someone, but, ,"
More Concerns About Toxic Crystals and Stones
This article contains information about radioactive stones and how to handle them safely.