Categories starting with A

Archangel Gabriel (3)

Arch Angel gabriel

Authors A - H (1)

Authors with names starting with the letters A through H

Archangel Metatron (1)

Arch Angel Metatron
aka the ascended Enoch

Archangel St Michael (3)

Arch Angel St Michael

Archangel Raphael (3)

Arch Angel Raphael

Items starting with A

An Open Mind Gabriel July 2012


It has been said, by a wise person, that to enter into Heaven, one must be as a child. What does that mean?

Surely it has nothing to do with age, as we do not know when childhood ends exactly.

, , , ,It is the attitude, not the age, which is important. The most significant factor is that of an open mind. , , ,

Arch Angel Michael and how I can work with you

angel michael pixabayMany of you have wondered who I am. What I can convey to you is this:
I am older than any of the stars in this universe
I am conscious of the mind of God at all times

Why would a being such as me want to interact with temporal humans?

How could one such as yourself possibly be a guide to an angel?
