Uniting with Your true Higher or Spirit Self the short version


Uniting with Your true Higher or Spirit Self       the short version.

If you want to be all that you were meant to be, and at least a lot more of what you want to be, then you really need to pull yourself together. 

I am talking about consciously connecting, or in some cases reconnecting, with you own spirit self.  I say consciously, because you cannot be disconnected, but you can be oblivious to the benefits of having a much better connection.  

Bottom line for those of you who have some idea of what I am saying, is that The Cafe De Light story, meditations, and everything about it is for you to become whole, healthy, complete.  This file will not go into detail, that will be in other articles.

There are many ways you can connect, this is only one.  It is safe, free, and your first step may be all you need.  Just read this article and the article about the Cafe De Light.

I was asked to write an explanation of how people can connect with their spirit selves and quickly make use of this contact NOW, in as few words as possible.

This site will have many articles and deep explanations of this in great detail later, but for those of you who already have an idea, or just feel some of this may help you, here it is.

Part 1
You are a Spirit being in a physical body, temporarily experiencing a 3 demensional lifetime on Earth.

Part II
You have a spirit that has remained in spirit since the beginning.  It has never been physical.
Your brain can choose to connect or ignore the connection you have with this aspect of yourself.
This part of your self was close when you were a child, you played and learned and even cried together.  You shared life.  Many people have long ago stopped listening to that part of themselves.  They lost their joy, forgot their best invisible friend, got too involved with physical to imagine anything.  You knew right from wrong with this voice, it seemed much like a conscience, it helped you avoid danger.  It comforted them when they were scared or alone.  Then as you aged, Many people stopped listening, stopped believing, focused everything they have on the "real world.  They Got real, they grew up, and they pushed away their guidance, gave away their joy, and listened to all the wrong, though sometimes well meaning voices.  

Remember all the talk about you have to be like a child?  Trusting, joy filled, non judgmental, imaginative, and open to hear?  Well, in a way that is what all this is about.  You need your spirit back in your life.  Your spirit needs you back in close connection with it so YOU can grow, express joy, and succeed in life.  It is through the spirit that all the guidance and creative arts, imagination, gifts, and growth occur.  No matter what your religion is, it is through the spirit God, Angels, Christ, and everything beyond the physical happens.

So this is the short, chopped down version of Your creation, your life before and after separation, and the opportunity to reconnect with that great mind of wisdom and knowledge that we call your higher self, and you call, me, or actually YOU.

This is not hard.  It is not painful or dangerous, and it will cost you nothing.  You do not even have to have the Faith to move mountains for this to work, and you are the one who will benefit when you choose to accept.

First, just read the story about the Cafe De Light.  A short story that speaks of a cafe and the beings that visit there.  Then think about it.  Imagine if you went to a place like that what would you do.  That's all.  

Your Higher Self, or Spirit Self, is always with you, but also there, at the Cafe.  Waiting for you when you visit.  No rush, there is no time in spirit, just think about it.  Pray about it, I mean really pray about it, and give all the detail you can when you make your request for answers.  You can decide later.

Later, if you wish, you can read some more about the Cafe.  ( here ) Maybe listen to a meditation, and maybe pray for you that all aspects of your self be united consciously.  Maybe think about what it would be like to be whole.  To have all your resources at hand to help guide and direct you into the growth and success you know within you are meant to be and do.

Your choice.
