Cafe De Light - Introduction and welcome


Located in the uppermost or centermost realms of creation, and sort of in the heart of a special environment, is a place where people come from all over the universe to meet. In this location, along with other energies, is an aspect of your own self.  The part of you that remains in spirit.  The details of this location are not important.  What you can do there is everything that matters.

Imagine a place where you will be able to go to get answers, or advice on something you believe is important.  A place where you can discuss anything you are facing in life, and get help.  A place where you can relax and share a good cup of java, or a smoothie, while you get more aquainted with more of who you truly are, or just ask your questions.

Maybe you are not interested right now on the spiritual aspects of yourself, so you ask now, what can this do for me?

You have questions about a business decision, or a purchase choice.  You may need healing of an physical or mental illness, or "how do I"  fix or design something, whatever issue you have, there is help and assistance.  Mothers can get help with their children, a spouse, a relationship, what so ever you ask, will be addressed.

This is not magic.  Your prayers and meditations are still extrememly powerful and of great benefit, but this is another route.  Another method to connect you in more ways so that from now on you will have a tool that can be used by you to empower yourself to be all you were created to be.  

Any time you choose, any number of times you wish, from anywhere in the universe you are at.

It sounds so simple, and it is.  So hard to believe many said, but thousands have already benefitted from it.  Everyone I followed up with said they use it often now and will continue to expand their uses of it as they grow and their daily needs change.

"Cafe De Light" was created in January of 2017.  It had a grand opening and celebration January 27, 2017 during which many thousands attended.

It is a simple structure in appearance.  Four sections wide, with a single story section on each end and a double section two stories high in the center.

Six doors exist across the front, a 2 single doors on each side section, and a set of double doors in the center.

The upper story has windows and the top of the building has a string of golden-white lights, and a neon appearing sign that spells out "Cafe De Light".

Anyone who approaches the Cafe, is welcome to just look if they wish.  Walk around, look into the windows, observe the people as they come and go.

People who wish to enter, invision the cafe with a desire to visit.  As they approach they see a greeter welcoming them in through one of several doors.

      The greeter looks like someone they know, and they know they are safe and welcomed.  Once inside they see whatever they need to see at this time.  They may have a counseling session, see a demonstration, visit a friend, another time period, whatever they need now, to help them in their physical life, now.

This is not meant to be a meeting with The Creator of the Universe, nor with Christ, Jesus, Buddha, or any other Universal Intity known by religions around the world.  This is actually Your Higher Self.  Your own spirit self.  That is why this is important.  This does not replace or prevent, but will enhance any relationship you may have in your beliefs, or with other aspects of spirit.

What you personally allow yourself to experience through the Cafe De Light is up to you.  This has nothing to do with religion, it is not a requirement for anything, and all the gifts, blessings, opportunities, and benifits are yours.  

How do you make use of this?  Simple.  Speak aloud to yourself as you go to sleep at night that you have a desire to go to the new Cafe De Light in spirit, located close to the Central Sun of the universe.  Ask to remember your dreams.  Of course, you can always daydream or meditate a trip and allow things to grow from there.  

Sharing of the The Cafe De Light information is a project of the Of One Source TEAM.

Cafe De Light has no affiliations with any businesses operating under similar names anywhere in the physical world.
