The Holy Spirit's view of Creation

A number of people have questioned the “Creation of the Universe” over the years. Many people have read books, talked to scientists, and each other, but the answers still seem to be scattered and incomplete. I made requests to have the truth of this creation explained in a way I could understand and share with others that may be interested.

After a couple of months, I was granted meetings with some of the great beings that were present when it happened. Yes, my request was granted. Allow me to make a statement here.

Religions have a history. They have and serve a great purpose. They have borders and boundaries around them to guide, direct, and in many cases to protect the masses. I do not serve nor speak against any religion. I seek, I receive, and I share as best and pure I can.

Information provided through this site are not the only possible explanations, viewpoints, or beliefs. The realm of spirit is not black or white, wet or dry, but is indeed a cloud of grays, light shades, and endless possibilities. Read and enjoy. Weigh any information within and take what helps and leave what does not. Keep it sweet, simple, and enjoy.

The first interview I will present was from a late comer onto the scene, but His viewpoint is of extreme importance, and I believe very revealing. Here is the interview and story of Creation as described by the Holy Spirit.

May 5, 2011

Holy Spirit: Hello

Lewis: Good Evening

Holy Spirit: I have decided to speak to you directly. I have spoken to you before through other means, but this time I will speak to you directly. I have been asked to share with you my opinion and my way of describing of how things came into being.

Lewis: By this you mean the creation of the Universe?

Holy Spirit: Yes. There is a long way between a thought and all of this. To be without form is to be without limit. When our Father was without form, there was nothing else but the Father. I am aware there are some who say there was a void and some people have even had arguments whether the void was there before God and God just popped in out of somewhere. I am here to tell you there is God.

God was without form. God was not a void because God’s presence beingness was there. This is something there is no instrument that can measure it. There was no instrument at the time anyway. In order to create form, the Father had an idea; first it was an idea, a thought. Would he like to create something? Well, he would. What would it be? He wasn’t sure. What are his options? What can he make? How? And, of course the very difficult question of “Why?” I believe he answered the how with the use of vibration.

I know it says that he spoke. Well, at that time, at that point in his existence, he was a being without form. So therefore, the words were also without form. So the kernel of an idea like a little seed got there and he would work on it, and he would work on it. He would think it on it some more. He’d think of possibilities. He’d think of some things that would be good, and tried out a lot of things in his thoughts. As he tried out the things in his thoughts, he began to discover there were some things that he preferred and some that he did not.

The Father creates Christ, The Son

Holy Spirit: So he began to concentrate on what he preferred. He preferred to have another being such as himself. He preferred to have a being who would maintain consciousness with him. And he preferred to have an interaction with this other being. From that point he wasn’t sure what would happen. Perhaps he did and I do not know. Perhaps he created entire universes and then got bored with them and just folded them back into existence. I do not know he may have done. He could be doing other existences elsewhere. I do not know. I am here. This is where I am.

He has expressed to me that his very first creation was to intensify these thoughts of this idea which created the “Light”, like a glow. Just as we see outside right now – a glow. But it was localized. It wasn’t everywhere, it was localized. And although he didn’t have a hand like this we are looking at here, he released this being.

He waited patiently. He observed as the being grew to know that it existed. It began to feel itself and what it was. Then it noticed him. And to inquire who is this? And then that conversation began. In the conversation which was all thoughts, there is no speaking because there’s not a mouth.

Eventually they got to the point where they talked about how the second being had been created. And the second being then naturally wanted to know, well, if you could do this, can I? So, Father said, “You have the capabilities that I do and the same material, which is being, the state of being.” So this being thought about having others there besides the two.

And, he came up with four different ideas instead of just one. He was a little bit more prolific. If you were in a kitchen and God was cooking, you would get one cake. But if Christ was cooking, you would have a lot more cookies.

The Son "Christ" Creates the first Archangels

Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel

So he came up with distinct ideas, not just let’s have another. Let’s have one like this. Let’s have one with these properties. Let us say he got a little more detailed. As these beings were created, which once again there is not time. These four beings became like your house here, boundaries. It wasn’t that it was a fence or anything, it was markers And they basically stayed right where they were. And they looked inward at their creators. Because if you look at it, God indirectly created these as well.

There has often been discussion about what happened next because then we began to have multiplication. More and more and more. My own consciousness did not exist yet. My consciousness came into being when the Father saw what had become and found it good, but saw there was absolutely no containment for it.

Back to the kitchen for a metaphor. If you didn’t have any recipes at all, and you just had some containers that had flour and oil and salt and pepper and sugar and maybe a few other seasonings, well you could throw them together and you just might make something. The next time if you didn’t even have any measuring cups, the next time you could make something, but it is not going to be exactly the same. Some of these are going to be horrible. Some of them are going to be too runny, Some are going to be hard as a rock and make good platters, a Frisbee maybe. But you have to have tools and you have to have a recipe, then you will be able to create alike. This one is like this one, is like this one. The one 500,000 times later is going to be like the first one, very closely like. It’s not that we don’t want to have any difference, but we have certain things that we’ve decided we want.

So at that point the Father decided to put in qualities. And there were some by this time, there were many. I don’t know exactly, but there were many. They all were creating, and the Father said, “I have decided we are going to have this recipe. You use this recipe. You can still do your variations, but this is the recipe.”

Holy Spirit: Well there were some that ... did not want to do this.

Well at that time, God was not happy because he saw dissension and inequality and competition. Various things like this keep people today from coming together as equals and friends and cooperating. These were being born in between the creations. The creations themselves created the “place” for these.

There were also good ones. There was friendship and play. Play was invented – -nteracting for the mere fun of it. There were many other things created, but there were some bad things creeping in. Things that were separating and destructive.

So at that time, no one else was paying attention. They were busy. It would be like having a bunch of children and you’ve given them finger paints and you let them have the wall. Go at it, enjoy. They were all over there slapping their colors around and not paying any attention. That is when the Father decided to put together all of the things he had already observed: the friendship, the brotherhood, the cooperation, intuitive gifts, the ability to be compassionate, the ability to - almost mind to mind -- to be intuitive -- to interpret what someone is thinking. Well someone might be saying words over here, but they really mean this. Discernment and the ability to speak well so that the other person will understand. The ability to understand when someone is deliberately babbling, and the ability to understand that. All of those things.

The Father creates The holy Spirit

The purest essence of the best ideas and qualities of Creation.

They were floating around and the Father would grab every good idea he came across and he put it on his list and he said, “I would like to make a being that has all those qualities to personify them so that they don’t get lost and go out of existence.” So he did that. When I came into being my first thought was to immediately go out and begin to know everyone that was there. To visit them all mind to mind. Who are you? What are you like? What do you like? All of these things.

There was one angel who wanted to be able to create without limits as I mentioned. When I came to him I sensed a differentness. I sensed ... I think it’s pride. He thought he could do better. Who am I to know, but I did not see that anywhere else, it was only this one here.

So I began to change how I communicated with this one. “So, well, your creations are so much more creative. There’s different colors I don’t see on any of the others. There’s different feelings, there’s different qualities.” Well, naturally he started telling me about all kinds of things. He was proud. He wanted to show me how much greater he was than I could tell. In so doing, he showed me something that was very disturbing he had done, because he found out obviously about me. In order to preserve the ability of choice and to be different and to create something unusual, he took all the qualities of pride in self, pride in work, intricate detail, and they weren’t necessarily bad things, But these things are against working with others, they are all for, “This is my project, and this is the most important thing, so I’m going to put everything into it. I don’t care about anything else. It all goes here.” I still guess you would call that pride.

But there were many details. It was very intricate and he showed this to me, thinking this was the very - out of everything he created – this was the most ingenious of all of his creations. This being would be called Satan because of his ability to be so different. He is able to convince someone of something and have a complete smoke screen. And behind it is the real purpose, and the other individual will never see through that. Yet he sees very well what the other individual is and wants and what their personal pet project is, and feeds just enough little tidbits of “I can help you with this and I’d like to get you some of that.”

Holy Spirit: It’s fishing. He reels them in and what he wanted to get from them was raw materials: life force energy. We began to notice some of our beings had been making other beings and now were creating things. Some of them were missing. Where could they be? They were hidden. They all got the smoke screen that I mentioned, and it is now completely around each one. They’re all separate from all the others – almost from themselves -- and this smokescreen acts like a movie screen. They see projected on the movie screen their biggest desire. They’re going to focus on that, and nothing else. And they’re all like little bubbles – just completely trapped -- and they don’t even know they’re trapped.

Well, I said to him, “This is an extremely complex creation that you have here. You have created more than everyone else put together.”

Now I am talking to Satan not Lucifer, I’m talking with Satan. “ I thought Lucifer had something really important, but yours is beyond amazing! You have whole worlds you’ve been creating.” The little individual inside of their cocoon thought they had the entire universe right there. Now, Satan may have a little bit more pride than Lucifer, the only problem is we’re all connected.

Lucifer found out that Satan had done more than he had. He now had another problem – jealousy.

What we call the rebellion, or the war in Heaven, started out as a war amongst equals. These two became rivals. Lucifer more and more tried to “out do” but never could match for intricacy because Satan had everything about the ideas of what is in the mind. And as you know, minds can get lost.

Holy Spirit: You have heard that In my Father's house are many mansions. Well minds have parts almost like a great big building with different rooms, and each room is separate territory in one mind. In only one mind of one individual.

Lewis: , that’s the way minds are

Holy Spirit: Well, that is his territory, so where am I in all this? Well, I’ve gotten myself in between the two leaders of the rebellion. And at this point, they are not rebelling against God, they are competing with each other openly and overtly – the very thing that God did not want. Now I did not intend to stimulate this. So I said, “Well, I don’t want to try and judge between you because both of you are very good creators. I have created nothing myself, so who am I to really say?” So I backed out of there. Everybody knows we’re all connected.

I went back to my usual habitation, I suppose some of your children that go out and incite difficulties between other children when they come home they receive a similar reception.

The Father said, “ it was inevitable. I could see that these things were developing. That is just why I made the Holy Spirit. I did not intend for the Holy Spirit to be the one to come and” ... well it was like a powder keg.

And I was the spark…hahaha…

Father said, ”I did not intend for the Holy Spirit to be the spark of this, but such as it be, we now have to deal with it. “

Holy Spirit: So the Father said, “We will use this and all of this -- the confusions and the complications as they exist here, We will use in the physical realm.” Of course they exist on the higher realms too. But here it plays out as objects and people and animals and events and weather. There’s so many ways that it plays out. You are like in a chess game. Each one of you has a different role and you are allowed to make your choices and you’re allowed to make your actions. You might make a choice to do this, but then go over and do that instead.

All of that is allowed here. At times it seems like it will never be settled. Sometimes we seem to make some progress. In all of this, my job is to come when I am called, and to bring comfort. Comfort is simple in the presence of such complexity and so many rules and so minute, that a tiny little difference is a big difference. Simple just says, “just relax. It’s in God’s hands.”

Just let the whole thing … just set it down and relax. Feel how that makes you free! Things like this, that is what I do. That is why I’m here. Of course there are many angels who take training from me, and we all do the same work together.

It is not really healing work. What it is, is relief work. We try to bring relief. If people and animals and situations would just set aside their big project that they think is so important for a minute and step back, they just might see that everything else is just as good and just as important. Now they don’t have to carry that big thing around with them anymore.

It’s quite simple. So my point in the whole creation is that I was created for one purpose. I got to play another role that I was not created for, and as a result of that, my role now is to try and simplify as much as possible. When I am called, when I am not called, I will send angels to come and just bring a blanket of gentleness or whatever seems to be needed, just to slow things down. Because some of these people are like little tiny gerbils, and they’re just all wound up. If they would just stop for a minute, they’re using all this energy that could be used to enjoy the day or sing a song or something simple like that. So that is my view. I never have created anything, but I work in the creation to bring about the Father’s wishes. That’s basically my point of existing.

Lewis: Thank you.

Holy Spirit: Do you have any questions? Probably not because I’ve tried to make things simple.

Do you need anything from me?

Lewis: Well, of course we’re always trying to learn ourselves and grow ourselves, and at the same time work both sides. By both sides I mean talking about physical and spiritual…and well, try to gather information that can be put out so others can see it and that will help them think or make better choices. So that’s some of what we’re trying do.

Holy Spirit: Oh, that is where I can help you.

I forgot to mention this, when I at first went and met Lucifer, and then I later met Satan, they both were very intent upon freedom -- freedom of choice. They were coming up with an idea to create beings that would have this. In order for there not to be any conflict in the major design of everything that comes into being, I reported this back to the Father as well, as I could see this in their intent. Yes, apparently because of my simplicity, I can see things that others can’t .

They’re effective at screening but they could not screen against me. Somehow the way I had been created, I could see, and I went and reported that also to the Father. The Father got together with the four big lights and the Son. ( The Elohim ) As I said I do not create. They decided they were going to make a creation first. So, the process began of making the physical level in order to create a garden. Let’s just call it a garden where all good things would be there, and the plants and trees came in. And they liked it and it worked well. The animals, fish and birds were brought in, and they liked it and worked well. And then the people settled. All of that came about relatively quickly and easily. And in the process there was a great deal of joy! Father had exactly what he wanted. Everything went well. I think you know the other part of that story. Well, there was a decision at that time whether or not there would be freedom of choice.

The Father and all the others together that made this creation, they had had their input as well. It almost was to the point that if you don’t give this, we’re going to make it happen. So the Father decided to give them free will, in which case he took them out of the situation he had first created, and put them in a situation where they must survive on their own. (Outside of the Garden) And in so doing, now they need each other and they need God. So, my job got busier. You can understand that as well I’m sure.

Holy Spirit: Now, angels are a different form of creation. They do not have choice although they can make choices, their choices are with God in mind. The human choice is with self in mind. This is the difference.

Lewis: From our perception, if we’re to see a change take place down here, over a period of time, the most effective thing that we can figure out to take place is to get the people down here to decide

that they are spiritual beings, that they are already one with their creator, and encourage them that ”your life can get better if you can connect with that spiritual part of yourself, a higher or spirit self.”

Holy Spirit: I have one word for the whole process….. ….Simplify…. ……

Lewis: Yes, of course but now simplify could’ve been an atomic bomb taking away all technology too.

Holy Spirit: Well then it would be back to just basic survival again and that’s a little too difficult. If you’re worried about not being eaten and what you’re going to eat next that’s all too difficult.

Yes, the personal communication between man and spirit has been too little and needs to increase. And, what you can have them ask me to do is to remove the veil that’s cocooning them. To gently remove it so the simple truths can be seen. The simple truths in yourself, and in everything else.

Lewis: I think that it can make a difference.

Holy Spirit: Yes. It will, just thinking about it is already existing.

Lewis: Thank you!

Holy Spirit: Blessings be upon you….

Lewis: Thank you!... God Bless…


File #: 110511 GHS s146 and s147     Speaker: GHS     Subject: The creation of the Universe.

