Health and prayer Part II OR More Frogs, Eggs and tadpoles

This message is Part II  of the session which took place March 15, 2010 in Lake Park, Georgia named  (  Health and prayer Part 1  OR  Frogs, Eggs and tadpoles)

Is it ever too late to pray and receive results?

Lew: a lot of people have serious illness in their body. It has been said by some that if a person waits too long before they learn whatever the lesson that is that is causing the health issue, it reaches a point to where it can't get better. It may just drag their body right on out or be with them the rest of their lives. My personal belief is that at any point, it is possible to reverse anything that is going on inside of the body.  When doctors say the heart doesn't repair itself, only recently they find that the heart DOES repair itself.

Raphael: the mind, they said that the brain doesn't repair itself either. The blood, they said the blood would die, the cells die every seven years. Well, blood repairs itself too.

Lew: So, even if a person has reached a point to where it appears they are on the edge of nothingness, they could still have hope that there is always a turn around?

Raphael: yes. No request is too large or too small for God to handle. Only God knows what God is going to do. Only God knows the entire plan. There is a plan. I don't know it because I don't have the capacity to know all of it. I have a small part that I have some understanding. I believe it is the same way for you, that you have an understanding, but it is a window. But the plan is the entire universe. It is just the comparison is exceedingly difficult to even comprehend.

But one must never give up. The hope and faith and trust and don't forget Gracie. That you are still alive is something to be thankful for. The fact that you still have your wonderful little books, these are to teach people about Gracie. Bring Gracie into your life and the healing is easier, swifter, smoother and sometimes healing requires great changes to be done in lifestyle patterns and attitudes and maybe requires changing one's friends or things of this magnitude. If you bring Gracie in, the changes are smoother and easier. They are easier to see in advance and to make as you are going through them. You don't really miss what you just gave up. So yes, always give God enough room to work. Be very happy when he does and if your friend passes away and does not last any longer, be thankful for the time that you did have together with whoever they were.

(Note:  Gracie is a young female angel and sister to Faith and Hope whose name means "Grace".)

Those scientists have the exact same paradigm as spirituality because they say, if you came in earlier, we could have done this, this and this. If you had started praying earlier … doesn't it kind of sound the same? It is never too late to pray. It is never too late to have an attitude change, idea change, or to realize things. The very first thing of realizing is that you have a problem, so many people can't get into that first step, “I have a problem.” number 2 “I can't do it by myself” number 3 “there is a bigger power.” First you have been looking amongst your relationships, but here is a higher power. Leaving it to the higher power, giving it to God.

Now that is another thing that I forgot to mention this: IF, you put this on God's plate. God please help me … back to the mortgage .. with my mortgage so I can keep my home. Don't keep fiddling with it? If you would give me … [more money, better job] Well, maybe God has got a better house for you, maybe he has got things in mind that you can't see because you are so busy over here at the bank's door not realizing that you could take in a roommate to bring in extra money, or many other things. What you are doing by holding strings on your gift, you are limiting God's ability to answer or you are blinding yourself to an answer that is out here and you are looking like the horse blinders they used to put on so the horse wouldn't get scared. So you are not seeing that God has got an answer for you right here and you don't even see it. You have got to learn to let loose of it. Say, God, I do have a problem. This is my problem. This is what I think I need, but I am going to let you help me.

Now you have to ask God to give you understanding and the ability to see his answers. Right?! Please send me someone that I can work with and trust and understand and a way to fix this that I can actually do. Winning the Chinese lottery is not going to help me when I live in Florida, for example.

It is learning to communicate. The more communication that goes on, God wants companionship with you.

 He wants to be your companion, wants to work through you to help others. Because now you are aware of God's presence and power to communicate. The more communicating, the more balanced you become. The more in balance, the healthier. You and everyone around you. Any time you do something, it is not just for yourself. I started off talking about praying for others. It is really the same. Because that person is another yourself. If you look at it like the Indians do. It is true. That  is another one of God's children. The more you become involved in someone else's healing, the more healthy you will find yourself becoming. A side effect that you hadn't even anticipated.

You might have had some little things going on that you thought were not worthy of talking to God about. As you are out here talking about this person or situation or thing, the more in communication you are with God about this and you are beginning to receive from God about what you are to do to let God use you to help this situation, person or thing. Well, look at this, my job is getting better, the sales went up in our department, my grades went up at school and I didn't even try harder. I did better on this test because I just remembered the answers better. Wonderful side effect of prayer for others is your own healing process in the process. It works both ways. When you ask people to pray for you, you are helping them to receive their own healing by asking them to pray for you.

Well, it is getting late and you have travels tommorrow, so I will leave.  Know we are always close and our Blessings go with you always.

I wish you a good night.

Lew: Good night and Thank you.

