Stepping out of the Ego Bubble of entrapment Gabriel July 2012

Message from Gabriel


Contact has always been available through the eons of time that mankind has been alive and sentient on Earth. Your nature has been to see what you think is necessary in order to survive, as an individual and as a people. Nothing is more important than that you should keep a line of communication open between your innermost mind and the greatness that you call by many names and that I will call God here, simply to be generic. There is a greater soul, a conscious direction, and a conversation that is always taking place in the unfolding of the Creation, and you are a part of that wondrous happening.

There is no one who is so small or insignificant that God does not need them or direct them into opportunities to be of service to him in his creative work. The soul that appears to have a brain deficiency has another means of thinking than the “ordinary” and will be as helpful if not more so than one who is distracted by life. There are some enlightened ones whose illnesses serve to screen out the distractions of ordinary living, and it is just such a one as may help further the progress of humankind in the Divine conversation about the creation itself.

One may ask how they could possibly make a difference in the course of human development or for the planet Earth itself? I would respond with another question or two to ponder yourself. Have you ever wanted something so completely that you could imagine it happening in great detail? Did you see other people being affected in a positive way by your wish? Did your desire make the world a better place or life easier to live?

A yes to more than one of these questions means you are thinking beyond the ego, the container that would keep you inside a small circle of life filled with distractions that obscure the real world just outside your own world-view. If you truly want to be of help to others, if you feel the sorrow of compassion when others suffer tragedy, if you feel the soul-expanding joy of watching a child take her first step or discover a butterfly, then you are attuned to the great I AM.

Once you have felt the presence of God, or known God's wishes for your life, you are not able to return to being a sleep-walking automaton whose life is routine. Instead, you are curious and have a desire to explore. What else is outside the ego?

The first thing one discovers is other egos. To be sure, they have always been there and have bumped into yours and over-run yours at times. You may have displaced other egos yourself before when you were being selfish or wanting to make yourself feel more powerful by squashing someone else's dream. You have already discovered there is more to life than staying inside your own bubble. How do you escape the bubbles that surround you from others, as they would gladly replace your bubble with one just like theirs?

Change your course, like a pilot would steer a ship in another direction. You must pick something of importance to you, and then use it as a marker to steer toward. If you had been enclosed in your own routine, change your schedule. Add something into your routine that was not there before. Make sure it is something that is different and not attached to anything you thought was important before.

An example would be to add a 15 minute walk through a local park on your lunch hour, on a daily basis. You have been trying to climb the corporate ladder, so you have previously spent your lunch time making phone calls and trying to get support for a promotion. Put your cell phone in your pocket and turn it off for 15 minutes. Walk through the little park. Really look at what is there. Are there works of art? Are there plants and trees? Are they decorative or natural growth? Are there any animals? What are they doing? Do they interact with people, or are they just passing by? Are they pets or wild? What is the weather like? How does that affect the plants and animals? How does it affect you? Is your fifteen minutes up yet? What did you learn? How did you feel being there? Would you like to go back again to learn more?

These are only a few questions. Questions are not a distraction, they are a way to get outside of your bubble into a learning opportunity. Next time you go, make up your own questions. Don't just be a vegetable and sit there like a tomato at the market waiting to be bought. Take charge and find your direction.

If you have no questions, you have nothing to learn.

If you have no questions, you have no desire to change.

If you have no questions, you have nowhere to go.

If you have no questions, you will not know an answer when it appears.
