Basic Instructions for Gem Elixirs and Gem Oils



Basic Instructions for Gem Elixirs and Gem Oils


Amethyst Crystal ElixirThe purpose of Gem Elixirs and oils is three fold: 1) to have a liquid to take internally so that you may absorb the vibration of the gem or stone, 2) to have a liquid to anoint the skin so that you may absorb the vibration of the gem or stone, OR 3) to mist into your personal space.

*** The first consideration is the long list of stones that have harmful properties. This should convince you that the best choice is always to put your stones next to the glass container which holds your liquid or oil instead of inside the oil or water.

The principle for creating an elixir or oil is simple: place the stone as close as possible to the container. Your container should be glass which is made from liquefied quartz. Metal could react with some stones and plastic is … well … plastic.

You may leave your container in a place where it is also infused with sunlight.

You may leave your container in a place where it is infused with moonlight.

You may also place your container under a lamp to infuse it with light.

You may place your container in the center of a grid, whereby you are putting in the energies of more than a single stone.

You may also use sage, incense, candles, and ringing bells or chanting to put energy into your elixir.

Once you have set up your charging station, test the energies with a pendulum.

Test the charging container each day until you see a significant difference with the pendulum.

Be sure to label the container of your oil or elixir with the date created, stones used, and the overall intention. If it is for a certain person, put that name as well.


