Sandra P2 Heaven and Forgiveness - Sandra Part 3

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 Sandra Part 3

grief 15 light pixabaySandra: My brother Jim, he was an outdoorsman. He loved to water ski, be in his boat, go fishing, go hunting, he loved all of these things just as much as I loved singing. So I said, “Jimmy, I know you are not in the choir.” He could never carry a tune, he was just ... I said, “what are you doing with all of your time here now?” He said, “I am with daddy, and we go fishing and we talk. Try and reminisce about things.” My daddy was a barber, he was always the most handsome man in town. He said, “we try every now when we hear that someone is getting ready to come to the other side in our little town, we go prepare a place for them, make them welcome.” All of them know daddy of course, the older ones. There isn’t a single man in town who didn’t have his haircut at least once by my daddy.

My daddy, his favorite thing after a long day at work, he used to like to come home and sit on the back porch, not the front one, the back one because my mother would be working in the kitchen and doing well, making her bread and shelling peas and things. And he liked to smell the smell in the kitchen but he liked to stay away from it so he wouldn’t have to shell the peas himself. He'd sit on the back porch, and get his corn cob pipe and his newspaper and watch the sunset. So it was like a painting, he never did have time to take up painting, he was always too busy. He raised us during the depression.

So when I got to the other side, I said, “daddy did you start doing your painting?” He said, “yeah, but you know what I found out the most beautiful sunsets I used to watch?” I used to think there is no painter on earth that could come up with colors like that. He said, “you know, I think the best minds are doing the painting, and God is stealing the ideas and he is using them for his sunsets!” You know I used to think when I would see a painting like a Picasso and it would have a green sky or yellow or purple that that was outlandish, just plain out of the question, and I watched a few sunsets with my daddy from our side, and the colors were just, they blended so subtly that there must have been millions of shades of color, and the effect was so soothing and beautiful it was like being able to see a rose petal up close through one of those microscopes and seeing every single cell.

 Sandra: It is all so very beautiful. So I guess what I'm saying to you is the magnitude of what we have without the body is so much greater. It's hard for me to tell you what to expect. But I just know there are plenty of people available When anyone's time comes and ready when they get there. People down here just need to know that they don't need to grieve so hard.

It's going to be naturally a separation anxiety, and a sadness, a loss of company, but it' not a loss of love. It is not, it's an opportunity for that love to grow greater, and encompass more for people than it did to begin with. It's not one on one, it's many. All in one. That's the best I know how to say it anyway.

There's another reason I came tonight. I check in from time to time on Corinne just to make sure everything's alright with her, and I could see that she was calling on me again. When I came, I saw ... I never met her cousin, but I heard her speak of him many times. She used to share with me some of his laughs, and I could see she was going to go back through some of the same things she'd been through with me. I didn't know it hit her this hard. It grieves me to see her feeling like this. I'm concerned for her. I can feel her pain. She just needs to know he's alright. She needs to be strong. Our greatest concern is her.

He's not strong enough to come right back to her now. He has been through a far worse time than I had. He had a lot of limitations on his ability to know things. You see I was a lawyer so I was always open minded and could get interested with things. His wife was very fearful all the time and it prevented him, he let it prevent him, from opening up to the ideas that were being presented to him. He knew they were there, but he didn't dare learn about them. He's having to adjust. He's having to go through a great deal of strain right now.

His family and friends are in very deep grief. He's carrying it. It will probably take nine months or more for him to be able to break off from that and even begin to think about anyone else. I just wanted her to know that he cannot progress until these chains are broken. He is alright, nothing's going to kill him! He does have his father with him. He's got four very beautiful young ladies, three of them he knows very closely. They are his great aunts. His wife would be very happy, she knew the last of them, the aunt Francine. There's another aunt and uncle from the country. And they are with him. You see, he is going to be with me in the choir when he's ready. It may take two years for him to become ready. He has a great talent for music. I understand his ability with the guitar is very strong. And he can do other things of course. But the guitar is particularly his specialty. And we are very happy to have him with us, and we are waiting patiently.

His grandmother and grandfather are with him, on both sides. Corrine does not know much about the other grandparents, but I understand that the grandfather Brantley is very much like Abraham Lincoln for character. His grandmother's name was Lori; she's a very patient, kind woman. I do look in on him because the sooner that he is healed, it is – I can see a light going both ways when you have a link with someone, and this person becomes lighter, and this one also lightens up, just in reflection if nothing else. So, either way, I can help if I can be with Corrine, and make that helpful if I can be with him. For, you see, our friendship grows greater when we're on the other side. You never lose your friends, they often come closer to you. Which is something to look forward to.

Lewis: Yes

Sandra: I just want you to know that everything is being done that can be done for them. You just must be patient and heal your own self, feel grief, allow it to flow out of you, let the tears flow. And then just let it go like a rain cloud passes over and then it's gone, just let it go. Any time I imagine when they released the slaves and let them go, they had to learn how to deal without their chains, and in a way they grieved, because there was not a master to care for them anymore. So there is a separation anxiety, or a sadness, whatever you want to call it.

Sandra: I have learned that if I have a distinct desire in my heart that I can get it. Because even though I know I wanted to be at Carnegie Hall here when I was a little girl, where I sing now is far greater. And I had a great desire to be with my daddy again when he passed on. All of that has come to pass. I really have nothing else that is a great desire for me except I do keep watch over my loved ones.

Sandra: My greatest desire is to be an angel in the quire. That is all. I have my heart's desire. I have a voice which I can't begin to show you. But we will some day. My happiness exceeds even the greatest thing I could think of here on earth, so I am perfectly happy. I have nothing and I'm lucky, I could not want any more.

Lewis: That's good.

Sandra: So you see I am just perfectly happy, and I feel so very good, about where I'm going and what I'm doing. I feel good about my family when I look down on them. I feel good about my friends that are still here. Everything is wonderful. I know that if any of them have any trouble, I can think about good for them and then it comes to them. I know that when they decide to come over, I can be there waiting, because I will know that it is their time, and I can wait for them. I can be the delivery nurse. I can show them what to do. I can listen to them. There is nothing more I could want. I feel like I've got Jesus in my veins when I'm singing.   I feel I am an angel in the heavenly choir.

Lewis: yes.

Sandra: And another thing, Heaven is not boring!  I have heard this so many times, people saying they would be bored in 5 minutes. We are always making up new harmonies, new songs, new words for the songs, new meanings for the words, new ways to praise the Father, the glory of his creation. We use some songs that are especially for children, and when we get them particularly right, you pick somebody. Somebody with musical talent, to put the idea in a dream. Or just in their intuition. And then we watch it grow. All of the great stars on earth in music are great listeners. Even rock music. They are young people here that are wanting rock music. And so we try, and of course I don't like it, but there are those here and they do their best to create music for those people. They can get an inkling just a tiny idea of a melody to get started, they do the rest.

Lewis: Is there anything we can do for you?

Sandra: I just want you to tell Corrine that she's loved and cared for. Tell her I know how she feels, and to go ahead and let her grief come out. Go ahead and cry, and let it go past. You can't let it come out till you cry for it. I want to see her light again. Like when she first met you.

Lewis: She sparks every now and then.

Sandra: Well, better watch out, you might need some sunglasses.

Lewis: Yes.

Sandra: I guess I'll be leaving.

Lewis: We thank you for coming.

Sandra: I know it was an unusual way but I just had to come in this time.

Lewis: It's been our pleasure and an honor to have you.

Sandra: Thank you, Good night

Lewis: Good night, and God Bless


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Tags: Death, Dying, Crossing over, Forgiveness, Heaven, Interview, Spirit, Resentment
