Using a Printed Crystal Layout or Grid
Using a Printed Crystal Layout or Grid
This Crystal Layout is called Metatron's Cube. It is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. While it may look like a Star of David or Hexagram, you can also look at it as two four sided pyramids that intersect (each face of the pyramid is a triangle). This shape is called a Merkaba, which is considered by some to be an interdimensional travel vehicle.
How to use this layout: place your crystals or stones in each of the circles. The most important stone goes in the center as a focal point. While the straight lines are there to show energy connections, you may place little quartz points or other slender stones along these lines as well. Once you have laid out the stones, use an additional crystal wand, any other wand you have, or just your index finger to trace the main points, connecting them all to each other. For example, you may connect the inner Star of David double triangles, then go around in a circle. Then do the same for the outer Star of David. Finish by connecting the center stone to the outer ones in straight lines. To spread the energy, start at the center and go outward. To center or gather energy, start at the perimeter and go to center.
Incorporate your Layout into a ritual or ceremony of your own design. Use your mind to focus on the intention for the Layout. When time is done, take down the Layout stones and cleanse them all.
The first image is an example of a layout using the enclosed gridwork.

The second image is the layout for you to print to use for small crystals.